Discover the country in a different way than the one you know so far
Throughout all the great civilizations that embraced Egypt, Siwa has been a center of pilgrimage to the Oracle Temple of Amun, or Zeus-Jupiter, where among many other Pharaonic, Greek and Roman legendary figures, Alexander the Great, was initiated son of Zeus and savior of Egypt, following in the footsteps of his ancestors, it was said, prominent Hercules and Perseus… Taziry has been built at the foot of the famous Red Mountain of Siwa, facing the magnificent White Mountain; overlooking immense Lake Gary, and the timeless dunes of the Great Sand Sea. At Taziry, we offer a unique back-to-nature experience, where one can truly come from this magical energy of Siwa.
Through vernacular architecture, following the ancient siwan construction method, Taziry appears only as an extension of the natural environment that surrounds it. Taziry, which means “”full moon”” in the Siwan language, brings the splendor of the sky, since only candles are used inside the rooms, or oil lamps and torches outside, which gives the place a poetic and rousing atmosphere.