Ethics and Responsibility


Viajes Andromeda, S.A. (the Entity) has the highest commitment and desire for ethical, responsible and sustainable behavior together with due compliance with the regulatory frameworks and legal provisions that apply to us in all our activities and operations.

This commitment requires the participation of all employees, directors, collaborators, suppliers, customers and, in general, any person and entity related to us.



For all these reasons, and as a measure to facilitate the follow-up and application of said commitment, the Entity has drawn up guides and standards of conduct for the due follow-up and application of the aforementioned commitment. To this end, a Code of Ethics has been drawn up in which the principles and values ​​of ethical and responsible behavior are established, together with the rights, duties and responsibilities in terms of regulatory compliance of the Entity, all of which is complemented by other protocols and internal procedures to due regulatory compliance of the Entity.



With the aim of making all of the above effective, the Entity has appointed a responsible team, with the support of specialized external experts, to ensure proper monitoring of our commitment to ethical, responsible and sustainable action, as well as to provide support to all people and entities involved in its fulfillment. You can contact the responsible team through the communication channel indicated to the affected groups.



Likewise, as a guarantee of rigor and adequate application of our commitment, an Ethics, Communications and Complaints Channel has been enabled so that any person or entity can notify possible actions or conduct contrary to our commitment, to the aforementioned Codes and Policies and to the due follow-up. of the regulatory framework that applies to us. All this with the guarantees and requirements of confidentiality, data protection, independence and protection of the whistleblower that establishes the regulatory framework for this type of channel. You can access the Channel through the following button.



We appreciate the collaboration and support of all the people involved in our commitment, as a mechanism for our Entity to be an active part and contribute to sustainability and ethical and responsible action through its activities and operations. We encourage you and ask that in case of any need for support or action guidance, you contact our responsible team.

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